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Zedsen is a groundbreaking healthtech company focused on early and accurate cancer diagnosis. Harnessing unparalleled sensing technology and powered by state-of-the-art, custom algorithms, Zedsen's objective is to bring forth non-invasive, accessible, and portable medical devices that deliver clinically relevant results. With a mission statement that encompasses bettering access to healthcare worldwide, Zedsen is pushing the boundaries of what is considered achievable in current healthcare paradigms.

At the epicenter of Zedsen's pioneering effort is their scanner, an asset specifically crafted to be non-invasive, affordable, and portable. The scanner is particularly suited for use in general practitioner (GP) and community clinic settings, with its innovative design pointing towards a future of decentralised healthcare. Furthermore, the device relies on Electrical Capacitance Tomography (ECT), an advanced technology capable of dense tissue analysis and offering enhanced care opportunities for women of colour and younger women, a group frequently overlooked in breast cancer early detection. The scanner is a palpable example of Zedsen’s commitment, through sophisticated algorithms and corresponding hardware, to provide quantifiable results at a fraction of traditional costs.

Zedsen is a forward-thinking company aiming to revolutionize the healthcare industry by providing advanced, cost-effective, and accessible diagnostic tools. Their team is composed of eminent engineers, radical thinkers, world-renowned scientists, creative visionaries, and skilled entrepreneurs who are passionate about pushing the limits and changing the world for the better. Working towards the early and accurate detection of the most common cancer among women worldwide, Zedsen not only aims to enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of diagnostic technologies but also champions inclusivity in healthcare. Their dedication as a company comes across in their commitment to developing life-saving technology, making Zedsen more than worthy of attention.
