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Vault Platform

Vault Platform

Vault Platform is a trailblazing tech company that aims to foster corporate integrity by empowering businesses to swiftly address and prevent misconduct and ESG violations. As a company deeply invested in modern workplace ethics, Vault Platform's central offering is their proprietary Active Integrity platform. This unique product provides organizations with a diligent and proactive framework to maintain an ethical and compliant corporate environment at all times.

A standout feature of Vault Platform's setup is their Resolution Hub, designed to manage cases effectively with cross-departmental collaboration, avoiding potential crises by fostering clear lines of communication with the reporter. The Integrity Insights offers an accurate view of a company’s ethical health, allowing them to identify patterns before they snowball into larger issues. Moreover, Vault Platform’s Speak-Up culture encourages employees to report misconduct discreetly and confidently within the confines of their secure mobile app and Open Reporting solution.

Derived from its highly effective platform and commitment to creating ethical workplaces, Vault Platform attracts and works with companies that share this commitment, including globally recognized corporations such as TI Fluid Systems, Trustpilot, and Neptune Energy. Businesses who choose Vault Platform are not only able to meet their ethical and compliance requirements but also gain a framework to scale their processes as their organization evolves. Therefore, Vault Platform is an excellent choice for organizations that value integrity and aim to build a safe, accountable, and respectful corporate environment.
