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UK Government to Launch AI Chatbot ' Chat' for Tax and Pension Services

Chrissie Jonathan

Chrissie jonathan

30 October 2023

The British government is preparing to launch an AI chatbot, known as " Chat," aimed at revolutionizing how the public interacts with government services. This initiative, led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, is part of the government's digital transformation efforts. Chat, powered by technology from OpenAI, is designed to provide a human-like response to user inquiries about various government services, including tax payments, pension benefits, and more. It functions as a natural language interface and is currently being tested with businesses.

The chatbot will leverage a language model similar to ChatGPT, trained on the extensive website's content, which contains information on a wide range of government services. While the system itself won't have access to citizen data, any data entered by users will be sent to OpenAI's servers in the United States for processing. Cabinet Office Minister Alex Burghart emphasized that the pilot program aims to improve the user experience without compromising data protection standards.

In a recent speech, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak expressed his belief in the transformative power of artificial intelligence, comparing it to past revolutionary advancements like the industrial revolution and the internet. The government is already implementing AI to streamline administrative tasks and combat benefit fraud, with the potential for widespread application throughout government services.

The introduction of " Chat" represents a significant step toward a more digital future for the UK, offering citizens a user-friendly and efficient means of accessing vital government information and services through artificial intelligence technology.