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Theolytics is a dedicated biotech company based in England with a noble mission: harnessing the power of viruses to combat disease. Passionate about ensuring everyone has access to innovative therapies which offer the potential of lasting cures, Theolytics is at the forefront of scientific development. The multinational firm combines expertise from various fields, including virology, cancer biology, immunology, bioinformatics, and molecular biology, to create transformative therapies that ultimately save lives.

At the core of Theolytics, you'll discover a world-class team of scientists working together in harmony. These pioneering researchers are known for translating viral therapies from their discovery phase through to commercial approval, a feat near impossible without the deep pool of knowledge and experience. Adopting a patient-centric approach, the company's discovery platforms are designed to identify optimized therapies tailored for specific patient populations. Furthermore, Theolytics is committed to developing intelligent therapies to combat complex diseases and has a primary focus on finding a novel therapy for ovarian cancer, aiming to tap into the intelligent capability of oncolytic viruses to kill cancer cells selectively.

Access to innovative therapies should not be a privilege, but a basic right - this conviction fuels Theolytics. Known for their partnerships with top-tier investors and biopharmaceutical companies, they are devoted to transforming patients' lives on a global scale. Joining forces with leading players in the field, they aim at developing therapies that represent the promise of lasting cures. Theolytics centers people in all that they do, making them a pioneer in the biotech landscape, forever pushing boundaries, and challenging norms for the betterment of humankind.
