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Tailify is an innovative influencer marketing agency that operates at the intersection of influence and behavioral science. Distinct from other agencies of its kind, Tailify is distinguished by its reliance on the underlying behavioural science, rather than intuition or chance, to drive influencer marketing. Boasting an AI -powered solution called Trudy, the company mitigates high risks and aligns brands with influencers who truly reflect the brand values.

The main offerings of Tailify revolve around influencer selection, creative strategy, and campaign measurement - all built upon in-depth data analysis and scientific principles. The AI system, Trudy, streamlines the process of finding suitable influencers, eliminating any chance elements. Strategizing for brand campaigns is handled by the company's psychology team, who leverage scientifically proven methods coupled with innovative ideas to devise strategies that resonate with the target audience. Tailify also prioritizes detailed reporting, bypassing vague metrics to offer a clear understanding of campaign successes and means for optimization.

Tailify's unique blend of influence and behavioral science manifests in effective influencer marketing that delivers remarkable impact through repeatable campaigns. Among clients who vouch for the firm's competence are Havas, Oddbox, Readly, and Aspects Beauty, all highlighting Tailify's rigorous data analysis and impactful results. With its trailblazing approach to influencer marketing and a range of satisfied clientele, Tailify stands as an appealing choice for brands looking to engage audiences and predict performance more effectively.
