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StreetDrone is an innovative tech company on a mission to bring an autonomous revolution to industrial logistics. The company is at the forefront of autonomous technology developments and is successfully deploying the world’s safest remote and autonomous operations. This ground-breaking approach has caught the attention of many, leading to StreetDrone joining forces with Kramer Group and Terberg to deploy autonomous vehicles in ports. The mainstay of their operations revolves around non-public road logistics, making them ideal for ports, retail distribution, and large-scale industrial environments.

StreetDrone leverages advanced software that is not only a product of their own team but is a collective effort from a network of partners collaborating on Project Aslan, an open-source software designed to accelerate the development of autonomous capabilities. The highly-skilled specialists at StreetDrone’s automotive tech division, SD Advanced Engineering, allow the retrofit of vehicles with all state-of-the-art drive-by-wire technology. Their close partnership with Terberg, a market-leading yard tractor manufacturer, ensures operators have access to the latest, safest autonomous, and teleoperated technology.

The demand for innovative and efficient solutions in various sectors sets StreetDrone apart as a company of interest. From deploying autonomous logistics operations for Vantec at Nissan's car plant in the UK, to collaborating on cutting-edge initiatives like the V-CAL project that will deliver loads fully autonomously, StreetDrone is actively working to redefine the future of logistics. Their approach, focused on safety and efficiency, is transforming operations across ports, retail distribution, and large industrial environments. This forward-thinking company is worth observing closely for anyone interested in the convergence of tech and industry.
