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Ribbon, now known as Wondering, is an innovative company pioneering in the field of user research powered by advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI ). The company offers a revolutionary approach to understanding customers, gaining insights, and optimizing product engagement. Leveraging AI , Wondering is committed to recruiting from a substantial pool of participants, conducting in-product studies, conducting AI interviews, and undertaking surveys and prototype tests. The company not only provides a platform for these features but also offers them as resources for product teams to enhance customer experiences.

In its quest to make user interviews and surveys more efficient, Wondering employs AI -driven processes that enhance the speed and precision of data collection and analysis. They proudly boast over 120K participants from whom feedback can be gathered, giving companies a broad and diverse base for their research. Wondering's AI -systems facilitate rapid, detailed analysis of the responses collected, extracting key themes and summaries to aid in decision making. The company offers a myriad of use cases to show how their tool can continually refine product discovery, shed light on user journeys, and test new concepts before implementation. The fact that organisations like 'Gousto' and 'Butternut Box' have found success using their platform stands as testimonies to the effectiveness of Wondering's methodologies.

The relevance of Wondering lies in its unique AI approach to deciphering user insights and facilitating product improvement. By harnessing the power of AI , they significantly speed up the research process, enabling faster product decisions and a quicker realization of company missions. The company also prioritizes data safety with enterprise-grade security and SOC2 certification, assuring clients that their research data is in safe and trustworthy hands. Essentially, Wondering transforms how businesses understand their customers, make product decisions and achieve their overall mission, making it an AI -powered user insights copilot worth considering.
