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PolyAI Raises Over £46 Million for Conversational AI Development

Chrissie Jonathan

Chrissie jonathan

17 May 2024

To further optimize its conversational artificial intelligence for unrivaled customer service automation, PolyAI has raised a total of 46 million euros.

PolyAI, an artificial intelligence firm based in London, has just completed a Series C funding round, which resulted in the acquisition of over 46 million euros. The funding round was supported by new investors Hedosophia, NVentures (NVIDIA's venture capital arm), and Zendesk. Additionally, follow-on investments were received from Khosla Ventures, Georgian, Point72 Ventures, Sands Capital, and Passion Capital. As a result of this financing, PolyAI has now obtained funding totaling more than 110 million euros.

This ardent vision is shared by venture capitalists, as indicated by the up round. Khosla Ventures was founded by Vinod Khosla, who made the following statement: "We are experiencing a Cambrian explosion in artificial intelligence that will impact every industry." We placed our early bets on PolyAI and the team as a category inventor for voice-based customer care that is powered by artificial intelligence, and we are happy to continue supporting them in their efforts to make customer service the best brand experience for any company.

Back in 2017, when we first established PolyAI, the technology that we had developed was still years ahead of what was actually available in the contact center. Despite the fact that they were pushing the limits of what was possible with LLMs and attaining unparalleled conversational accuracy in customer service use cases, the majority of contact centers were not yet prepared to make the transition.