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Playfair Capital

Playfair Capital

Playfair Capital is a preeminent venture capital firm dedicated to the growth and sustenance of visionary startups. The company has a unique approach to investment, focusing on fairness, and providing founders with a strategic edge in their quest for success. Playfair Capital prides itself in being a sector-agnostic entity, with a contrarian approach to pre-seed investment. It's garnered a solid reputation amongst startup owners, with a 92% recommendation rate from its portfolio companies.

Founded in England, with its headquarters in London, Playfair Capital's role in the startup ecosystem goes beyond the mere provision of funds. The firm diligently looks for founders with great vision, hustle, and humility, and who have a clear picture of what the world could become. It combines financial capital with emotional intelligence and a willingness to do whatever is necessary to ensure the survival and growth of its portfolio companies. About 73% of these have successfully raised a Series A round, underscoring the firm's effective approach.

Playfair Capital has set its sights beyond conventional venture capital dynamics. The firm is keen on readdressing the gender imbalance in venture capital, working towards breaking down barriers and opening doors for female founders. Its female founder network, dubbed "Collaboration is Queen," has collectively raised £600m. This commitment, coupled with the outstanding support Playfair provides its portfolio companies, sets it apart as a venture capital firm worth considering especially for angel investors in Europe.
