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Piclo is the UK's preeminent independent marketplace specializing in flexible energy systems. Operating in multiple regions including Italy, Portugal, the United States, and Lithuania, its mission is to support the necessary transition towards smart and sustainable energy utilization globally. An industry trailblazer, Piclo takes charge in greening economies by collaborating with established energy actors to enhance flexibility services and catalyze decarbonization.

Piclo's key offerings include a platform that facilitates flexibility contracts for energy providers and enables system operators to procure local flexibility services at a large scale. With a total of £57.4m of flexibility contracts awarded, over 16+ GW of flexibility capacity registered, and 1.1 GW capacity procured, Piclo is leveraging tech to make energy systems smarter, more robust, and more sustainable. The company continues to provide industry-leading insights into the future of flexibility through its data-led whitepapers, case studies, blogs, and market insights.

This pioneering company holds considerable allure for both individuals and businesses interested in the emerging marketplace of flexible energy services. Its impressive track-record and commitment to creating a more sustainable future make it a game changer in the energy sector. Consider Piclo if you're looking to tap into new revenue opportunities, strive for large-scale local procurement of flexible services, or keep a finger on the pulse of the constantly evolving flexibility landscape. With Piclo, a smarter, more sustainable energy future is within reach.
