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Peppy Health Ltd

Peppy Health Ltd

Peppy Health Ltd is unique in its provision of holistic, personalised health support through the Peppy Digital Health App. Aiming to support individuals across their health journeys, whether it be menopause, fertility, men's health, women's health, or transitioning into parenthood. As a socially responsible enterprise, the company provides services for all; not limiting support to only those who biologically fit into the category, but also extending it to individuals who identify as male or female, and even those considering parenthood through adoption.

Established in the United Kingdom, Peppy Health Ltd has become trusted by over 250 businesses and supports more than 1 million employees. The key features of the Peppy app elevate it beyond a typical wellness program, offering one-to-one, group chats and virtual consultations with health experts, as well as curated on-demand resources, which include videos, articles, and audios. Peppy also provides at-home fertility and hormone testing, mental health support, and organizes live events with experts and guest speakers. Employees have unlimited access to these features at no cost to them, adding additional value for both the individuals and the companies they work for.

As a final thought, Peppy Health Ltd innovates the wellness industry by putting people's health and wellbeing at the forefront. For corporations that prioritize employee wellness, Peppy provides a valuable and comprehensive platform that addresses underserved health journeys, thereby supporting staff to bring their best selves to work daily. Its commitment to inclusivity, the vast expanse of health areas it the company covers, and the plethora of resources it provides make Peppy a compelling choice for employer health support programs.
