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Mercia Asset Management PLC

Mercia Asset Management PLC

Mercia Asset Management PLC is a premier investment firm committed to supporting the ambitions of UK companies that aim for growth. With a national presence, Mercia has an extensive service portfolio, which includes investment services, team-building support, and investor portal access. Beyond just providing capital, Mercia believes in building enduring relationships with its portfolio companies, going the extra mile to ensure their success. With its roots grounded in trust and confidence, Mercia consistently delivers results over time and empowers firms to realize expansion goals.

Being an active partner since a company's early stages, Mercia contributes resources that surpass just fiscal support. Three characteristic examples include their partnerships with nDreams, Aldgate Veterinary Practice, and Imail Comms. nDreams, a VR game publisher and developer, has seen a 7.8x return, showcasing how Mercia’s investment can boost a company’s growth. Aldgate Veterinary Practice, a local community veterinary service provider, grew with debt finance from Mercia, creating 20 new jobs in Bridlington. Lastly, Imail Comms, a leading hybrid mail specialist, flourished post-MBO from DHL Parcel UK due to Mercia's private equity support. Additionally, Mercia has also nurtured around 40 university spinouts, including Medheranth, a testosterone patch company for post-menopausal women.

Mercia is not merely an instrument for financial support but an ally in business. Its commitment is evident in the partnerships, the wealth of support it provides, and the growth stories of its diversified portfolio. If you're a founder looking for an investment partner or an investor interested in strong returns, Mercia Asset Management PLC stands as a worthy consideration. Its undeniably strong track record, partner-centric approach, and drive for UK-wide economic growth make it an essential player in the investment arena. With Mercia, it's more than just financing; it's about relationships, innovation, and robust growth.
