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Intelligent Lilli is a pioneering company that embraces the future of independent living. It is dedicated to empowering vulnerable individuals to live independently and safely within the comfort of their own homes. The company operates through non-intrusive monitoring of daily patterns and behaviours, primarily aimed at identifying signals indicative of changes in health condition. This approach allows for caregivers, health practitioners, and families to be more informed about when and how they need to lend support to their VIPs (Vulnerable Independent People), thereby advocating for proactive care.

Lilli integrates technology into the social care system thereby enabling health and social care providers to manage resources more efficiently. It utilizes its platform to identify accurate care packages, thereby improving outcomes of care. Importantly, this proactive care model provides peace of mind to carers and loved ones, and emboldens vulnerable individuals to live safely and independently. Their technology works via the connection of in-home sensors, monitoring of daily patterns, and subsequently facilitating a safer and independent living experience for the end-users. They collaborate with organizations like the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS), for exploring the system-wide outcomes of such technology.

Lilli is undoubtedly a company of interest for its innovative way of using technology to revolutionize social care, and it's focus on preparing for the future of independent living. Not only does it provide a practical solution to the challenge of caring for vulnerable individuals, but it also drives efficiency in the health and social care sector. With the possibility of improving patients' lifestyles and decreasing risks of health decline, Lilli’s primary appeal lies in paving the way for proactive care - an approach that is bound to become increasingly relevant in the evolving healthcare landscape.
