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Intelligent Power Generation

Intelligent Power Generation

Intelligent Power Generation (IPG) is a pioneering climate tech company based in the UK that is focused on delivering clean, zero-carbon power as an alternative to traditional diesel generators. Their flagship product, the IPG Flameless Generator, is designed to provide reliable and sustainable energy for a range of sectors including construction, events, and grid-scale utilities. The generator's standout feature is its ability to operate on any fuel - from today's low-carbon options to the zero-carbon alternatives of tomorrow.

Dedicated to transforming energy consumption, IPG's innovative technology enables businesses to make a secure transition to net-zero emissions without compromising on power output. Their generator is housed in a standard 20ft shipping container, making it an easy replacement for diesel gensets. It seamlessly switches between fuels, ensuring reliability despite fluctuations in the fuel market. Importantly, the Flameless Combustion technique used prevents the formation of key pollutants such as NOx, CO, and particulate matter, thus aiding compliance with air quality standards.

IPG is not just a company for this generation, but one for the future, gaining recognition in the form of accolades like “most fundable company” at Brown Rudnick's hydrogen pitch event. With overarching objectives of health, safety, and sustainability, it affords businesses not only pollution-free power but the opportunity to meet environmental and social targets. Choosing IPG means taking a responsible, forward-thinking stance to energy consumption, prioritizing not only the viability of your operations but the health of the planet as well.
