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Focal Point Positioning

Focal Point Positioning

Focal Point Positioning Ltd. is a leading high-tech company that specializes in creating advanced positioning technologies. Their development portfolio includes innovative solutions focused primarily on enhancing the accuracy, reliability, and security of devices, aimed at numerous applications that include automotive, cellular, wearable technology, and security sectors. Focal Point Positioning distinguishes itself in the tech industry by using advanced physics and machine learning to significantly enhance the standard GNSS receivers' performance without requiring additional hardware or infrastructure.

A key achievement the company has made is the creation of a novel technology known as "Supercorrelation". This software is the only receiver-level program to provide an angle of arrival for radio signals, it greatly boosts the sensitivity, accuracy, and integrity of devices. The groundbreaking technology is able to provide up to 10 dB improvement in sensitivity, a remarkable 12x accuracy enhancement in built-up areas, and features jammer and spoofer signal rejection capabilities. Also notable is their S-GNSS API, which enables standard GNSS chipsets to support their Supercorrelation™ technology.

Interest in Focal Point Positioning extends beyond its high-tech product offerings; the company has amassed numerous acknowledgments and awards for its achievements. It has been recognized for its advancements in space technology by Europas, and has also received accolades from reputable organizations such as the Royal Institute of Navigation and the National Technology Awards. Its strategic investment and collaboration with General Motors further validates the importance of its positioning technology, evidenced by its expansion into the automotive industry and collaborative projects with major corporations. This all collectively makes Focal Point Positioning an important player in pushing the boundaries of high-performance positioning technology, and a company to keep an eye on in the tech industry.
