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Entrepreneur First

Entrepreneur First

Entrepreneur First is a unique and innovative investment company that focuses on nurturing bright individuals, providing them the space and resources to establish successful start-ups from scratch. With a conviction that a handful of dynamic individuals have the unbound potential to establish companies that can significantly influence and shape the future, Entrepreneur First is always on the search for such exceptional talent. The company's core approach is grounded in investing in the boundless potential, relentless curiosity, and the immeasurable drive-for-impact of these individuals.

Throughout its existence, Entrepreneur First has steadily cultivated a globally-recognized network of investors and professionals. Among these, prominent figures who back the company include Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn and Inflection AI , as well as John Collison and Patrick Collison, the co-founders of Stripe. The company's program alumni constitute a diverse portfolio of successful start-ups that span different sectors from AI for accident and disaster recovery (Tractable), privacy layer for web3 (Aztec), to robotic cleaning for the shipping industry (Neptune). In a decade of existence, the start-ups built on Entrepreneur First's programs have amassed an impressive value of over $10 billion.

Entrepreneur First sets itself apart through its unconventional yet successful model of investing in individuals before they even have a company or a team. The fact that the start-ups created through their programs have achieved such notable success proves the effectiveness of their unique approach, confirming that they can identify and nurture exceptional talent right from the inception of their entrepreneurial journey. Whether you are an investor looking for high-potential start-up companies to invest in, or a highly motivated and talented individual seeking a launchpad for your start-up dreams, Entrepreneur First is a company worth considering.
